Paziņoti pretendenti 2015.gada Bukera balvai (Man Booker Prize for Fiction). Tas ir viens no prestižākajiem apbalvojumiem literatūrā, ko pasniedz kopš 1969.gada. Bukera balvu var saņemt ikviens rakstnieks, kura romāns ir angļu valodā un izdots Apvienotajā Karalistē.
Šis gan ir tikai otrais gads, kad balvai var pieteikties ikviens autors, līdz tam balvu varēja saņemt tikai Nāciju sadraudzības valstu, Īrijas un Zimbabves pilsoņi. Tiesneši, kuri virzīja autorus un viņu darbus apbalvojumam, norādīja uz autoru dažādo rakstības stilu, kultūras mantojumu un literāro pieredzi. Šī gada pretendentu vidū ir gan jauni autori, gan jau zināmi vārdi.
Šogad uz balvu pretendē jamaikietis Marlon James, briti Tom McCarthy un Sunjeev Sahota, nigērietis Chigozie Obioma, kā arī amerikānietes Anne Tyler un Hanya Yanagihara.
Uzvarētāju paziņos Londonā 13.oktobrī.
"Turin is where
famous shroud is from, the one showing Christ's body supine after
crucifixion: hands folded over genitals, eyes closed, head crowned
with thorns."
/Tom McCarthy "Satin Island"
"Dead poeple never
stop talking. Maybe because death is not death at all, just a
detention after school."
/Marlin James "A Brief History of Seven Killings"
"Randeep Saghera
sttod in front of the green-and-blue map tacked to the wall."
/Sunjeev Sahota "The Year of the Runaways"
"We were fishermen:
My brother and I became fishermen in Januray of 1996 after our father
moved out to Akure, a town in the west of Nigera, where we had lived
together all of our lives."
/Chigozie Obioma "The Fishermen"
"Late on July evening
in 1994, Red and Abboy Whitshank had a phone call from their son
/Anne Tyler "A Spool of Blue Thread"
"The eleventh
apartment had only one closet, but it did have a sliding glass door
that opened onto a small balcony, from which he could see a man
sitting across the way, outdfoors in only a R-shirt and shorts, even
though it was October, smoking."
/Hanya Yanagihara "A Little Life"
Pēc pirmajām rindiņām spriežot, aizraut varētu Hanjas Yanagiharas un Marlina Džeimsa darbi. Varbūt uzlikšu savas alkatīgās ķetnas uz tiem ar'